Netlify - Client Side Routing
I have a nice little side project based on the Goodreads API (yes, my key is still active). I had it up for a while and whenever I would…
Gatsby Error Monitoring with Sentry
Image from Free Illustrations . Being able to monitor when your application encounters a bug in production is a nice thing to have for your…
Gatsby Develop with iOS Simulator
Image from @norwood at Unsplash. Chrome DevTools have come a long way in enabling users to mimic mobile devices. However, if you wanted to…
Add Linting to Create-React-App
Image from Free Illustrations . Create-React-App gives a nice bootstrapped project. I like being able to lint outside of the build or run…
Manage image sizes with tinify
Image from @jruscello on Unsplash Having my blog maintained in source control is awesome. I love having a commit log and be able to have my…